Two Handed Backhand Course
Get started with our free video, then purchase all backhand courses for only $5.00!
Get started with our free video, then purchase all backhand courses for only $5.00!
A guide to the 2 handed backhand. Help your game reach its potential by ensuring you have a solid backhand. Round out your game, as that is the definition of improvement.
Everyone. Even if you have a 1 handed backhand, I recommend you watch this course, so you know how to attack 2 handers with low balls and test their legs. Vice-versa, if you have a 2-hander, this course is obviously for you, but don’t be afraid to watch the 1 handed course, as the more knowledge you have, the more you will be able to give opponents a ball they don’t like. And that is part of high level tennis. Share this knowledge with others, and keep passing it on.
How to best be natural.
Video 2.5 Min + 2 Min read to complete
A huge key to the backhand that rarely gets enough attention.
Video 1 Min + 2 Min read to complete
Making that backhand feel better.
Video 2 Min + 2 Min read to complete
How to handle lower balls better as a 2 hander.
Video 1.5 Min + 2 Min read to complete
Holding your racket, grip possibilities.
Video 1.5 Min + 2 Min read to complete
Proper change for Lefties. As we are better served changing our grips of course, but how we do is important.
Video 1.5 Min + 2 Min read to complete
Proper change for Righties. As we are better served changing our grips of course, but how we do is important.
Video 1.5 Min + 2 Min read to complete
More videos coming soon. Practice, and stay tuned.
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