Serve: The Grips
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Get started with our free video, then purchase all serving courses for only $5.00!
Grips are the foundation of the game. Once you understand how to hold the racket the right way, the stroke begins to make sense. It is my job and hope to bring that eye-opening understanding to you.
Everyone. While grips may seem geared towards players who are not as advanced, or who don’t have strong serves, even coaches can benefit from watching this. Coaches are so used to holding a racket correctly, they don’t seem to fathom or comprehend that a student wouldn’t know how to hold a racket properly. Students may know the name of a grip and where the knuckles are supposed to be, but that doesn’t mean they are doing it right. Knowing how to comfortably place your fingers and understand a racket’s crooked nature are key. It is important to meet people where they are, and this course like the legends who inspired it, meets all tennis players where they are. Whether you’re advanced just looking to get more action on a kick serve, or beginning your journey and just trying to do it right, the Hall of Famers will meet you where you are.
The Real way to hold a racket. How to make the continental actually comfortable.
Video 4.5 Minutes
Lefties get love here. 1st Serve, the proper way to hold it.
Video 1 Minute
Righties get a proper explanation here. With the detail that sets us apart.
Video 1.5 Minutes
The Lefties get their 2nd serve explanation now. This different grip is crucial for higher levels and advancing in the sport.
Video 1.5 Minutes
The Righties’ 2nd serve explanation. Don’t think you’ll ever get a strong kick serve or real topspin without the proper grip.
Video 2 Minutes
Extra knowledge for you on the continental grip. Remember, if someone tells you something, but doesn’t explain why and how to do it, they haven’t really taught you anything. They just told you to do something. So please don’t accept explanations on face value alone. Always know the reasons behind why to do something in a sport, and you will progress as a player in your understanding and performance.
Video 4 Min + 2 Min read to complete
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