Skill Level
This course will incorporate things that simply put, change your life. They get results. There is no other way to put it.
Completing this course will help you:
- Understand why some champions had success from such an early age
- Improve as you tackle your goals and achieve your dreams (not only in tennis)
- Give back by sharing this great wisdom and advice with others
- Appreciate this beautiful sport and see why it is one of the few life long sports that people play. It is timeless.
Who is the course for?
Everyone. Once you watch this video, if it helped you, please pass it on and share it with others.
Learning Path
Some of Lacoste’s greatest wisdom. I had to make a video on it, because it is that life changing. Pick up his e-Book in our other section to learn more of his wisdom.
Video 7 Minutes
Wishing you blessings now and always. More videos coming to this and all sections in the future.
Ready to take it further?
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Get the Lacoste on Tennis World Exclusive e-Book
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Timeless Tennis E-Books
Some of these E-Books are available only here. Not anywhere else. Coveted by collectors, these are world exclusives. We are the first to ever put them into the e-book format where more people can have them. Click each to read chapter 1. We are here to honor a mentor’s wish and get them into your hands. Even Tilden’s Match Play book is better here as we keep the pictures in it, the way it was meant to be. Our e-books are the actual books themselves, the pages are 100 years old, so click each to get the experience of having a master’s collection. They also make great gifts.
The most useful, best overall book on tennis instruction ever.